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Divulgação - RSC Poster Twitter Competition

"The #RSCPoster Twitter conference is an annual event that has become a staple on many scientific community calendars. Held entirely online over 24 hours, the unique format removes the environmental and financial costs of attending a traditional conference, and helps scientific researchers share their work and network across disciplines, wherever they are in the world. Additionally this year we are introducing 2 new elements:

#paratodosverem: Imagem com o fundo rosado e algumas flores cor de rosa, vermelho e roxas dispostas em toda sua área. Um circulo avermelhado escuro ao centro em destaque com os dizeres "Divulgação - RSC Poster Twitter competition - de dois a três de março", o título da publicação está em fonte cursiva da mesma cor do fundo da imagem e as descrições com fonte comum com mesma cor. O Logo da Gestão Primavera do CAEQ na esquerda inferior da imagem, fora do circulo. As descrições estão transcritas no texto a seguir.

1) #RSCPosterPitch is a 60 second video presentation to accompany your main #RSCPoster, just like you may stand next to your poster at a physical conference and give a quick overview. The amount of description on a poster is limited; giving a quick video overview allows you the chance to expand on why your research is interesting and explain this further. There will be a community prize for the best #RSCPosterPitch as selected by our General Committee. 2) #RSCPosterLive– The #RSCPoster Conference Live Webinars

A series of webinars held alongside the event at which we’re discussing some of the important issues faced by chemical scientists throughout their career. These webinars will be open to everyone – registration will be free and are now open. More information on the webinars can be found here: Two weeks until the #RSCPoster Twitter conference: 2 March 12:00 UTC – 3 March 12:00 UTC. Any questions about this should be sent to!" Gestão Primavera 2021.

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